Recycling – Maddie Style, a Reason to Smile

For those of you who follow this blog you have met Miss Maddie, my Maltese-Poodle mix.   A bundle of nervous anxiety wrapped in a coat of cotton silk.

At night she sleeps tight against my body and awakens me every morning with gentle kisses and a sparkle in her eye.

A few days ago Maddie decided to help with the recycling.

Knowing we compact all cardboard boxes to their smallest components Maddie jumped in to help.

Tearing and shredding appears to be her speciality.

The completed task.

Expending all her energy she settles into a much-needed nap.

Thank you for dropping by!  Enjoy your day

5 thoughts on “Recycling – Maddie Style, a Reason to Smile

  1. We have a cat, and he likes boxes too, but they have to be big enough for him to get in them. It has been funny watching him trying to get into some small ones. Then he just sits.

  2. I once had visions of breeding my female poodle with a neighbor’s maltese. Luckily my husband’s good sense prevailed and we decided to have her spayed instead. The combo makes for a gorgeous dog, though, if Maddie is a typical example.

    1. She is beautiful and so loyal, but sooo crazy!!! I’ve had other who have the same mix tell me their pups are unstable too! She is skiddish and barks at her shadow!

      1. Good to know! My friend’s Maltese barks like crazy, but my poodle is quite calm, even though poodles are reputed to be very vocal, too.

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